
Upcoming in Person shows and Events where we get to play! Join me.

September 7th: Rutherford Multicultural Festival
Lincoln Park, Rutherford NJ
Saturday 7th: 12 pm -7 pm
September 4, 11, 18, 21: Dining Under the Stars
Park Ave, Rutherford NJ
Wednesday 4th, 11th, 18h: 5 p-10 pm
Saturday 21st: 5 p-10 pm
September 21st: Rutherford Day
Park Ave, Rutherford NJ
Saturday 21st: 12 p-5 pm
October 12-14th : Paradise City Arts Festival
North Hampton, MA 
Sat & Sun:10am - 6pm
Monday: 10am - 4pm
October 19-20th : Fall Brookdale Park, Rose Squared Show
Brookdale Park, Bloomfield / Montclair NJ
Sat & Sun:10am - 5pm
December 5-8th : One of a Kind Chicago
The Mart, Chicago IL
Thursday- Saturday:10am - 7pm
Sunday:10am - 5pm